Cases listed in Solutions & Operations

Retail Technology

Charging phones in retail stores

with Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof
This use case is about service. Because if the consumer is searching to charge his phone he will do a lot for this. Karstadt decide to place this charging station in the main entrance. So every customer can see this device directly. Combined with a shot survey on its display you can charge and secure (looked door) your phone. Benefit for retailer: Its more . ...
Retail Store Design

In-house retailer

with Glatt Einkaufszentrum
With the brand “The Spice Library”, the operator of the Glatt develops his own retail format and at this point becomes a retailer in his own house. This approach enables the Proof of Concepet to use new formats and shows how low revenue assortments can also be successfully marketed via stationary areas. Technology: Frequency Counting Chance for: New Products ...
Retail Technology

Self Scanning & Self Checkout

with Decathlon
Since 2005, the sporting product retailer Decathlon has been working on an online and offline strategy. Numerous projects have been realized and tested over the years. Today, the retailer is one of the leading companies with a functioning omnichannel strategy. Backbone of the activities are uniform product ranges and a large intralogistics centre in each act ...
Retail Technology

Coin-counting solution kiosk

with Coinstar
Consumers trust Coinstar® kiosks to provide a convenient and reliable coin-counting solution. We’ve built our reputation on 25 years of customer service and more than one billion successful transactions since our first kiosk was installed in 1992. With nearly 20,000 kiosks worldwide, Coinstar kiosks are easy to find and use. In fact, 90% of the U.S. populati ...
Retail Technology

The Gallery App

with The Gallery – Zürich
The combination of stationary offers and digital possibilities is at the heart of the concept of the “the Gallery” app. It promotes products from a wide variety of retailers. Benefits for retailers: The application makes it possible to analyze and evaluate digital advertising activities. Technology: App (iOS/Android) Beacons Geofence
Retail Technology

Digital Signage re-imagined

with Main Taunus Centrum
Digital signage is a sub-segment of electronic signage. Digital displays use technologies such as LCD, LED, projection and e-paper to display digital images, video, web pages, weather data, restaurant menus, or text. They can be found in public spaces, transportation systems, museums, stadiums, retail stores, hotels, restaurants and corporate buildings etc., ...
Retail Technology

Main Taunus Center – Analytics

with Main Taunus Centrum
Total frequency is a crucial factor for checking key figures and conversions – so much for theory. Unfortunately, this data is often not available to retailers. There is a lack of measuring equipment in city centres and simple tools to make this information available to the retailer.
Retail Technology

Free WiFi – Frankfurt

with WiFi technology
The first thing a customer sees when they attempt to log on to your wifi is the landing page you’ve designed to welcome them. Think of this as another chance at a first impression, a rare thing in the hospitality industry! You can use this opportunity to tell your customer something more about your establishment and invite them to become a part of the ...
Retail Technology

Self checkout Terminal

with Decathlon
One of the biggest sports retailer in Europe is trying out a lot. So for example a new store concept named “Decathlon Connect” is tested exclusive in Munich placed in the Central Station since 2018. With only a couple of 100 sqm the store is small and spited into two. One is showing a small collection of impulse driven products and the other one ...
Retail Technology

People Counting & Conversion Tracking

with Hight Street
Overall frequency is a decisive factor for checking key figures and conversions – that’s the theory. Unfortunately, this data is often not available to retailers. There is a lack of measuring facilities in city centers and simple tools to make this information available to retailers. Use Case: People Counting Outdoor Conversion Tracking in Store analytics
Retail Technology

Story telling elevator

with Sporthaus Schuster
To transfer emotion the sports goods retailer Sport Schuster in Munich uses a lot of digital signage solutions in his new flagship store in the city center. While customers use the elevator, three displays tell the  history of the family owned sports retailer back to 1913. Also current promotions are integrated in this solution.
Retail Technology

Interactive Service: click & collect

with Globetrotter
Globetrotter offers numerous interactive and real services on a sales area of 6,500 sqm. It is the experience character of the shop that sets the tone. With its own water area for testing boats, this shop also offers more events than classic sales areas. Use Cases: Click & Collect Events & Lectures consultation altitude training cold chamber
Award Feb. 2021
Retail Omnichannel

In wenigen Schritten zum besten Bike für jeden Lifestyle

with ROSE Bikes
ROSE Bikes ist einer der größten und bekanntesten deutschen Fahrradhersteller und -händler. Das Familienunternehmen aus dem nordrhein-westfälischen Bocholt entwickelt und baut Fahrräder, zudem vertreibt es – online und stationär – Fahrradteile, -bekleidung und -zubehör unter der eigenen Marke sowie für 500 Fremdmarken. Das Unternehmen, das bereits seit 1907 ...
Award Feb. 2021
Retail E-Commerce

Digitale 24/7-Produktberatung für Elektrowerkzeug

with Einhell Germany AG
Die Einhell Germany AG, der niederbayerische Werkzeug- und Gartengerätehersteller, gilt als eines der am schnellsten agierenden Unternehmen der Branche. Als z. B. während der Corona-Pandemie die Nachfrage nach DIY-Produkten für Zuhause massiv gestiegen ist, hat Einhell erkannt, dass Kunden auch online bedürfnisorientiert beraten werden möchten – und entsprec ...
Retail Technology

Self-Scanning Solution

with Jumbo
Jumbo is the second-largest supermarket chain in the Netherlands. It is part of the privately owned Van Eerd Group, which was originally a grocery wholesaler, established in 1921. The chain has over 60,000 employees and approximately 660 stores. Jumbo first deployed the Zebra MC17 Personal Shoppers in-store over ten years ago, followed by MC18s; however, the ...
Award Sept. 2021
Retail Technology

Optimiertes Einkaufserlebnis durch Personal-Shopping-Lösung

with Kaufland
Kaufland ist ein international tätiges Einzelhandelsunternehmen mit über 1.300 Filialen und über 132.000 Mitarbeitern in acht Ländern. In Deutschland, Polen, Tschechien, Rumänien, der Slowakei, Bulgarien, Kroatien und der Republik Moldau will das Unternehmen niedrige Preise, eine relevante Auswahl, überzeugende Qualität und einen einfachen Einkauf bieten. An ...
Award Sept. 2020
Retail Technology

Occupancy Management und Face Mask Detection

with Aldi Süd, Aldi Nord, Aldi Suisse, Lidl DE, Lidl CH, Migros, Coop, Edeka
In den Filialen der großen deutschen Lebensmitteleinzelhändler messen Xovis 3D-Sensoren den Personenfluss (und die Masken-Verwendung) genau und bieten somit die notwendigen Daten und analytischen Lösungen, um die zulässige Kapazität eines Ortes genau zu verwalten. Der Sensor zählt die Personen mit einer Genauigkeit von 99 Prozent in Echtzeit. Da die Berechnu ...
Retail Technology

Besucherfrequenz steigern mit Geo Targeting

with Auf Anfrage; Worldline hat insgesamt 16 Locations ausgerüstet
Geo Targeting kann die Besucherfrequenz steigern Diese Lösung ermöglicht es, neue Kunden zu gewinnen oder bestehende Kunden in den Laden zurückzubringen. Geo Targeting (GeoCTRL) liefert detaillierte Einblicke zu den Kundengruppen, die sich um Ihr Geschäft bewegen und gibt Ihnen ein Verständnis dafür, wer Ihre Kunden sind sowie welche Interessen und welches P ...

Passantenanalyse ohne Hardware-Installation

WHAT A LOCATION! analysiert täglich bis zu 60 Milliarden Signaldaten aus dem deutschen Mobilfunknetz und zählt in 25 deutschen Städten mit einer Genauigkeit von rund 95 Prozent Passanten auf Hausnummernniveau. Zudem liefert die Lösung mit gleichbleibender Genauigkeit Altersgruppen (6 Klassen), Geschlechterverteilung (m/w), das Einzugsgebiet (innerstädtisch b ...
Award CH 2022
Retail E-Commerce

Biometrische Face Recognition

VOLTOX geht mit seinen Omnichannel Lösungen über standardisierte Lösungen hinaus und definiert Login, Kauf und Bezahlung für eCommerce und Banking neu. Der eKYC-Prozess, also die Verifikation des Kunden, wird massiv vereinfacht und personalisiert. Dies geschieht mittels Login und Bezahlung per Gesicht und macht Transaktionen und Administration schneller, sic ...
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