SUBMIT YOUR CASE - Register for free
The first step always remains the same: with your personal data, you must first register on the website. To access all other submission options, please register as a Company. If you have already registered, please log in to your account.
After that, you will be redirected directly to your personal dashboard.
Please now add further company data in your dashboard under “Profile”. The dashboard also gives you the ability to manage your cases, submit new cases, save favorite cases and searches, and manage your collaborators. You can use the Inbox, our internal communication system, for exchanges with potential customers. You will receive a notification as soon as you have a new message.
Under “Add New Case” you can enter your new cases in your dashboard. What exactly you need to consider when submitting a case, we have summarized for you again on the dashboard page. Here you can also specify for which award round you would like to submit your case or whether it should only be listed in the database. After you have submitted your case, we will send you the invoice by mail.
You can find out what information you need to have ready for this in our checklist.
SUBMIT YOUR CASE - options to show your product
You can find these options in your dashboard after registration.
Award participation
Next Rounds: September
Participation and winner seal
Media attention
incl. Database and company listing
Then 229 € per year
Company listing
incl. first case listing
Profile with contact details
Case submission & linkage
Presentation in the yearbook & newsletter
Database listing
only with existing company profile
Case submission
Link with company profile