Ihre Suchergebnisse

Scanning devices using artificial intelligence for better demand forecasting


Radingerstraße 2A,


Award Sept. 2022


Circly has brought artificial intelligence to the handheld scanning devices of the Franchise retailer Nah&Frisch, saving each store at least 6h a week and capital.

Circly developed AutoML that enables tremendous resource savings from producers to retailers through AI. With an average of > 85% more accurate planning, resources can be used more efficiently and waste of those can be drastically reduced. The web-based Machine Learning/ Artificial Intelligence (ML/AI) supported planning forecast uses historical sales/sales data as well as external factors to create highly accurate demand forecasts. Simple and designed as a no-code system, even companies without a data science or AI specalized team can benefit from the strengths of AI.


Solution features

Supply Chain
Marketing & Sales
E-Shopdesign & -Optimization
Solutions & Operations
Data Analytics
ERP Solution
Information Technology
Mobile Solutions

About the solution

Name:Circly Forecast
Technology:Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data
Project goalCircly developed AutoML that enables tremendous resource savings from producers to retailers through AI. With an average of > 85% more accurate planning, resources can be used more efficiently and waste of those can be drastically reduced. The web-based Machine Learning/ Artificial Intelligence (ML/AI) supported planning forecast uses historical sales/sales data as well as external factors to create highly accurate demand forecasts. Simple and designed as a no-code system, even companies without a data science or AI specalized team can benefit from the strengths of AI. The technology can save valuable resources, CO2, food and financial resources, increase floor space turnover and make a valuable contribution in the area of sustainability.
Project scope:The development period has already lasted more than 1.5 years. It should be noted that the development of a software product never stops - however, this is also the genius of Circly's software, that it is always updated via the cloud and functions are further developed.
Innovation:Circly's mission is to democratize AI technology. The company achieves this through price leadership as well as easy access and foolproof use. Innovative is not only the no-code approach (software development without having to write a line of code), but also the preparation and processing of the data. Behind the platform are technologies like Federated ML and the possibility to integrate them everywhere.
Costs:Cirly's mission is to be affordable and cost-effective for retailers, manufacturers and wholesalers. There are various pricing models for customers, depending on the size and number of outlets using Cirly. Integration costs are usually in the low 5-digit range, and running costs are tiered per license and by number of outlets.
Replication:Due to the modular structure of the algorithms and the possibility to upload a simple Excel spreadsheet or CSV file, new customers can be integrated in just a few days. The training of the AI as well as the prioritization and industry-dependent weighting of various factors can also be done within a few days, which is why the solution's current model is highly scalable. Despite the high scaling potential, the modular model can react quickly to industry-specific wishes, customer ideas and market changes.

Use-Case customer:


Location: Radingerstraße 2A, 1020 , Austria


Website: https://www.nahundfrisch.at/de/home

Case Location



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