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About the competition
and the award rounds

The Best Retail Cases database brings together the diverse solutions currently used by the retail sector. In order to highlight the best among them, the Best Retail Cases Awards are presented regularly. An expert jury and the users – the retailers themselves – select their favourites. The best-placed cases benefit from significantly increased attention, among other things through special seals that can be incorporated into marketing measures and are directly integrated into the case presentation.

Semi-annual awards in the main categories

Submit in these areas:



E-Commerce Solutions: Pay, Ad, Strategy, Marketplace & Social Media (Technology-Tools in action I Campagne-Recaps)

Cases from the areas of advertising, sales, social media and store solutions will be awarded.

We award solution installations, tools in use, which show a use case with a retailer or manufacturer.

Stationary retail


Retail Technology, Marketing & Service, Store-Design-Concept, Omnichannel, AI-Technologies & Retail Media

Cases from companies, retailers and manufacturers from the areas of retail technologies, marketing solutions and services will be awarded.

We are looking for installations and tools in use for the point of sale or the omnichannel area.

Submit: until the first week of July 2024

User-Voting: Whole August, Mid-September

Award-Ceremony: 17th September in Cologne
DAY-Event: Book a pitch slot to present the Retailers your solution


Use-cases reader


Voters per award round


Podcast listener

Jury awards


A jury of experts from the retail world will select the best cases independently of the user voting. It consists primarily of representatives from various media houses and closely examines the submitted retail cases in order to evaluate them according to benefits for end customers and retailers, functionality and innovation.

Users vote


Under the motto “Give me YOUR vote”, voting takes place for the users (retailers). Within six weeks, every vote from the case submitters will be fought for via the press, social and online channels. Prizes for the voters will fuel the mood for participation. Join in and take advantage of the media and user interest. Cases that do not move a large community prove themselves to the jury in any case.

Our Jury members

Next award round starts! Submission until the end of July.

Discover established and innovative solutions in …

physical – online 
Retail Technology
Retail Marketing & Service
Retail Omnichannel
Retail E-Commerce
Store-Concepts, Design & Logistic

Submission information

When can cases be submitted?

The retail cases can be submitted from now until the end of the respective deadline. Submissions received later will not be considered for voting. A fee of 449.00 euros (plus VAT) will be charged for each case submitted.

When do you vote?

The user voting will run from August to September. During the voting, the cases will be presented by our partner media. The jury vote will take place after the user voting.

Which cases can be submitted?

Any retail case can be submitted – please note the advertised focus topics. Enter the case directly in the form into a sub-category in which the case is to be evaluated at the award.

How do I submit my case?

Cases can be submitted directly on the website via our form. Please note that you need to register your company once on our website. If you already have an account, please log in with your details. > This way

Please note the respective end date of the award submission.

Where can I find the case submission checklist?

HERE you will find all the fields that are asked for in the submission.

What happens after submission?

After submission, the case is checked by us and then released for evaluation on the website. As soon as the voting starts, the cases will be promoted via us and our partner media. Retailers will be invited to vote for the individual cases. Independently of this, the media jury evaluates the retail cases.

How does the award presentation work?

The award ceremony will take place either digitally via Zoom or on site at the associated event. You will be informed here in good time.

All award-winning cases will be called up individually and those responsible will be given the opportunity to briefly say something about their case. Several people per case can take part in the award ceremony.

What are the prices?

Through co-partnerships with GFM News and the supporting media, the best cases will be published on their various channels in print and online. A media budget will be distributed among all winners. The partner media will report on the winners and a winning press release will be sent out.

In addition, the winners receive our coveted seal, which particularly distinguishes the respective cases.

How do I draw attention to my case?

Also use your channels to cheer on the voting for your case. In addition, you can purchase media services from our partners at a reduced price or book additional ad-ons during the user voting. This way, the attention on the submitted case can be significantly increased.

> to the Ad-Ons

Winner Cases of the last Award Round


We thank our partners and sponsors

Further winner Cases of the Award


Award Sept. 2021
Retail Technology

Vollautomatisierte Content-Pflege gegen Ranking- und Umsatzverluste auf Amazon EU

with Leifheit AG
Problemstellung Brand Manager von Markenunternehmen sind u.a. dafür verantwortlich, dass ihre Produkte im stationären Handel adäquat dargestellt werden. Dafür statten sie den entsprechenden Handelsunternehmen regelmäßig Besuche ab, um sicherzustellen, dass alles planmäßig verläuft. Im Online-Handel ist es ebenfalls erforderlich, die Produktdarstellung zu übe ...
Award Sept. 2021
Retail Omnichannel

Artikelidentifizierung mithilfe von Funktechnologie und Datenverarbeitung

with Pier 14
Pier 14 begeistert seine Kunden mit einem einzigartigen Mode-, Genuss- und Lifestyle-Konzept. Internationale Designerkollektionen treffen auf Kosmetik, Trend-Produkte und ein Feinschmeckerbistro. Der Spezialist für Premium-Marken an der Ostseeküste wurde für seine Concept-Stores ausgezeichnet, verfolgt aber auch eine Omnichannel-Strategie. In seinen 16 Store ...
Award Sept. 2021
Retail Store Design

Interaktives Shopping-Erlebnis und optimierte Warenpräsentation

with Betten Reiter Flagship-Store
Am 11. Mai eröffnete der neue Betten Reiter Flagship-Store in unmittelbarer Nähe zur SCS in Wien / Vösendorf. Innovationen und Nachhaltigkeit zählen seit jeher zu den Kernwerten des Traditionsunternehmens. Das Store-Konzept des Wiener Flagship-Stores, welches zuvor mit umdasch The Store Makers bereits in Wels und Amstetten umgesetzt wurde, präsentiert sich i ...
Award Sept. 2021
Retail E-Commerce

ERP-Cloud-Software zur Digitalisierung der Auftrags- und Lagerverwaltung

with Kochblume GmbH
Zeiteinsparungen von bis zu 30 Prozent Das Team des Großhändlers Kochblume nutzt lexbizz im Besonderen für das Auftragsmanagement, die Angebots- und Rechnungserstellung sowie für die Lagerverwaltung. Durch die Digitalisierung der Prozesse mit lexbizz profitiert Kochblume von enormen Zeiteinsparungen und Flexibilität. „Dadurch, dass komplizierte und zuvor man ...
Award Sept. 2021
Retail Omnichannel

Integration freier stationärer Händler in den E-Commerce der Marke Ricosta

with Ricosta Schuhfabriken GmbH
Im Zuge der Digitalstrategie von Ricosta, einem traditionellen Hersteller von Kinderschuhen und einer der führenden Marken im Bereich Lauflernschuhe, war das gax-System die erste Wahl für die Integration stationärer Händler in das markeneigene E-Business. Bestellungen im Onlineshop von Ricosta werden mittels gaxsys an stationäre Händler zur Erfüllung weiterg ...
Award Sept. 2021
Retail Store Design

Umsatzsteigerung bei Bekleidungsmarken dank RFID-Lösungen

with LPP SA mit den Bekleidungsmarken Reserved, Cropp, House, Mohito und Sinsay
Das polnische Einzelhandelsunternehmen LPP mit den Bekleidungsmarken Reserved, Cropp, House, Mohito und Sinsay hat in mehr als 450 Geschäften gemeinsam mit Checkpoint Systems RFID-Technologie implementiert. Für  weitere 900 wird die Implementierung vorbereitet. Seitdem konnten der Umsatz um drei Prozent gesteigert, die Bestandsgenauigkeit sowie die Regalverf ...

What else can you do to show your use-cases?

Get inspired and become part of our platform! Learn everything about Best Retail Cases and how you can best use the platform for yourself in our video. Angelique Szameitat – jury head of GFM News – Digital in Retail and Marketing – explains what you as a provider have to consider when presenting yourself and how you can attract as much attention as possible with your solution. Get facts, figures, tips and tricks about the platform and learn how to use it optimally.

You have questions?

Office Best Retail Cases

Mehmet Dede
Project management

Tel.: +49 (8122) 955625

We are happy to talk to you.

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