Ihre Suchergebnisse

Mit Omnichannel zu mehr Umsatz – wie SØR die Omnichannel-Strategie umsetzt!

SØR, Bonavest GmbH

Kaiserstraße 3




SØR is a successful fashion brand reseller with 24 stores in Germany. The company places great emphasis on service and customer satisfaction. The answer to many questions for SØR is the Shopgate Omnichannel-Suite, in detail Click&Reserve and Ship-from-Store. In other words, reserving goods and picking them up on site – or environmentally friendly shipping directly from the stores to the customer’s home. In this way, SØR saves on warehousing and personnel costs, while at the same time retaining its own customers.

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About the solution

Project goalWith Ship-from-Store, products can be handed over to a shipping service provider directly in the store and delivered from there to the customer's home. The Omnichannel-Suite checks the stock levels in the stores and ensures that orders are combined into as few individual shipments as possible. This not only reduces shipping costs, but also protects the environment. Retailers do not need to set up or maintain additional, expensive and complicated logistics chains. Instead, they can concentrate on the strengths of retail and create perfect shopping experiences for their customers. At the same time, this increases the potential turnover of retailers, as they avoid the problem of goods being displayed as out of stock in the online shop, even if a local store still stocks these products. A comprehensive rule system allows retailers to individually define which stores the ship-from-store logic should prioritize and so optimize their own processes. Via in-store apps for smartphones, tablets (iOS & Android) and browser, we offer maximum convenience for their employees as well. Our system is simple and easy to understand and supports their processes with a.o. automatic reminders and configurable time limits!
Project scope:All features of the Omnichannel-Suite such as Click&Reserve, Click&Collect, Ship-from-Store, Clienteling or Return-in-Store can be taken live as a MVP in a few weeks without replacing critical technology.
Innovation:Our biggest innovation in the last 12 months was the release of our Ship-from-Store solution. While Ship-from-Store itself is nothing new, the ease of use for store associates, combined with the complex yet simple to configure order routing system, is something that no other solution can provide. Our customers are able to start really quickly, configuring just some simple rules. Do you want to prioritize warehouses or stores? Can all stores ship or just specific ones? Should we prioritize speed and distance, or optimize the inventory usage? But you can also go much deeper. Set limits per store, exclude certain products or product groups, define location groups for certain local areas and more.Our main differentiator is the focus on ease of use / usability. We understood that even the best Omnichannel tools will not help you, if your employees don't use them. So our processes and interfaces are designed to leverage the digital skills that we all have learned and use every day. If you know how to browse facebook, how to post on instagram or place an order on amazon, you will also be able to fulfill an order via the Omnichannel-Suite by Shopgate. We do this while still having a deep understanding of Omnichannel and our customers requirements, and without taking shortcuts. Our solutions will grow and scale with our customers, and the state-of-the-art, api-first approach makes sure that we are flexible and future proof partners for any upcoming challenges.
Costs:Ship-from-Store gives store-based retailers a powerful tool for reducing costs, avoiding missing online availability, and making more effective use of goods and products. This is because of an intelligent link with the online shop - the local stores become their own shipping warehouses - online and offline. This drastically reduces the transport distances for parcel shipping.
Replication:"Through omnichannel, we now not only have the opportunity to bring more visitors to our stores and thus generate additional sales, but also save considerable costs through the use of Ship-from-Store" (Celina von Daniels, E-Commerce Consultant, SØR, Bonavest GmbH)

Use-Case customer:

SØR, Bonavest GmbH

Location: Kaiserstraße 3, 60311 , Germany


Website: https://soer.de/

Case Location



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