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Modern POS systems

Bijou Brigitte Germany




Bijou Brigitte was looking for a partner for the German branches who offers reliable and modern POS systems as All-in-One touchscreen computers. The implementation of the latest technologies, fast processor performance and ease of use were important. Due to the affiliation to the fashion retail industry, the focus is also on an appealing design of the devices.

They have to be space-saving, inconspicuous but stylish, reliable and durable. Intuitive operation and multi-functionality are a must. With its fanless, compact design and energy-saving operation, Advantechs UPOS-211 very suitable for the use in branches of all sizes. The UPOS-211 is operated by an Intel® Celeron® J1900 / Core ™ i processor. It guarantees high computing power with reliable data processing while at the same time flexibly adapting to a wide variety of applications.

Solution features

Solutions & Operations

About the solution

Project goal In 2019, the company was looking for a partner for the German Bijou Brigitte branches who offers reliable and modern POS systems as All-in-One (AiO) touchscreen computers. The implementation of the latest technologies, fast processor performance and ease of use were important. Due to the affiliation to the fashion retail industry, the focus is also on an appealing design of the devices. With Advantech, a partner has been found, who can meet the requirements and guarantee that the products supplied can be used directly in all stores.
Project scope:In close cooperation, the project teams from Bijou Brigitte and Advantech have created a solution that meets the high everyday demands in a large number of different branches of the fashion jewelry manufacturer. „What I particularly appreciated about working with Advantech was the openness and problem-solving orientation in the offer phase,“ says Marco Schulz, IT Purchasing at Bijou Brigitte. “We were also very enthusiastic about the delivery quality. That‘s how I think of a real partnership! ”summarized Marc Neugebauer from the IT support of the fashion jewelry manufacturer.
Innovation:Fast processor performance Easy configuration Comfort in operation and handling Highest reliability Compact & robust design Space-saving

Use-Case customer:

Bijou Brigitte Germany

Location: , , Germany


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