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O2 Live Concept Store Berlin: Interactive LED solution with wow effect

O2 Live Concept Store Berlin

Tauentzienstraße 8,


Award Sept. 2022


The “Visible Net” campaign makes the 5G network of O2, the core brand of the telecommunications company Telefónica Germany, impressively visible on all channels. With the aim of staging the campaign at the point of sale, a semi-transparent LED wall was used to transform the entire shop window front of the O2 Live in Berlin into a 19 m2 screen – the largest O2 Germany has ever had. A motion sensor and a programme specially developed for this purpose detect passers-by and let them interact automatically with the 5G network, with the network lines following their steps or stopping when they do. In between, playful brand experiences are designed to invite interaction with the brand – such as an interactive ball pool that is also stirred up by passers-by thanks to a motion sensor. In line with O2’s omnichannel strategy, the POS staging was interlinked with the online extension of the campaign. To do this, passers-by simply place their smartphone against the window, which is equipped with NFC tags.

Telefónica Germany

System integrator + technical conception:
umdasch The Store Makers

Traxas Media (Software: Tracking-App)
LEDCON Systems (Hardware: LED-Wall)
hartmannvonsiebenthal the brand experience company GmbH (Construction planning)

Content concept and creation:
Serviceplan Bubble

Copyright: umdasch

Solution features

Marketing & Sales
POS Activation
Product & Brand Building
Solutions & Operations
Digital Signage

About the solution

Name:O2 Live Concept Store Berlin
Technology:Digital Signage, Smart Tracking
Project goalThe goal was to bring the idea of O2's "Visible Net" campaign to the point of sale with equally unique eye-catchers. The main focus of the implementation was to develop an innovative solution.
Project scope:Installation, Digital Signage, Smart Tracking, Rollout, Maintenance & Support
Innovation:A semi-transparent LED wall transforms the entire shop window front of the O2 Live in Berlin into a 19 m2 screen. Through the use of a motion sensor with software developed for this purpose, passers-by are detected and the content can interact with them accordingly, for example by having net lines follow their steps, or by stirring up a digital ball pool as they walk by. The shop window pane is equipped with NFC tags and thus digital extensions can be interlocked with the POS staging.
Replication:The concept with interactive content can already be varied on the existing LED wall in Berlin. There have already been occasion-related content extensions during the course of the year – such as for Valentine's Day. Future campaigns can also be impressively staged at the POS with this extension. Thanks to the use of a semi-transparent LED wall and various sensors in the shop window area, this solution can be implemented very easily at other locations.

Use-Case customer:

O2 Live Concept Store Berlin

Location: Tauentzienstraße 8, 10789 , Germany



Case Location


Further Media Information

O2 Live Concept Store
O2 Live Concept Store
O2 Live Concept Store
O2 Live Concept Store
O2 Live Concept Store
O2 Live Concept Store


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