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Amazon Fresh grocery store opens in Logan Circle — the second of at least eight coming to the D.C. area

Posted by Mehmet Dede on 11. February 2022

The District’s first Amazon grocery store, the region’s second overall, opened Thursday morning in Logan Circle.

At 7,302 square feet, the Amazon Fresh at 1733 14th St. NW is roughly a quarter the size of Greater Washington’s first Amazon Fresh store, which opened in May in Franconia. Still, Amazon.com Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN) has elected to call it Amazon Fresh as opposed to Amazon Go Grocery, a larger version of its Amazon Go convenience stores.

The store, which the Washington Business Journal first identified in October 2019, opened at 7 a.m. and will stay open until 10 p.m. every day. The Logan Circle store, part of the Liz mixed-use project, is the first Amazon Fresh in the region to use what Amazon calls its “Just Walk Out” technology, which allows customers to skip the checkout line by scanning a QR code the Amazon app. A network of cameras and sensors then charges the customer for what they take off the shelf.

Franconia offers similar technology, but only through the use of its “Dash Cart.”

At least six other Amazon Fresh stores are planned for the region, in Fairfax City, Potomac Yard, Lorton and Baileys Crossroads in Northern Virginia and Chevy Chase and Gaithersburg in suburban Maryland. Another Amazon store of some sort — either Amazon Fresh or Go Grocery — is coming to H Street NE, while Amazon is also working to open either an Amazon 4-Star or Amazon Books in Germantown.


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