Matthias Ernst

Adress: Seemattstr. 25, 6333 Hünenberg See, Switzerland
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About Us

Instore Solutions is one of the leading solution providers for digital pricing, interactive and disruptive retail marketing, smart retail analytics and sensor applications. The company also focuses on digital signage, and smart shelf applications. Via its investment company, Instore Solutions has acquired a stake in a very innovative ESL digital pricing startup and ever since has rapidly grown its market share in this sector. Its unique product portfolio of batteryless (=sustainable) ESL for the hardgoods sector and its hyper-precise trackable fashion digital price tags are just two key market differentiators.

The company started in 2013 with the development of a digital pricing app for mobile devices, which ever since has been deployed to thousands of smartphones and tablets in a consistently growing number of telecom and consumer electronics retailers across Europe. Over the past few years, the company grew its portfolio into omnichannel and smart retail applications with e.g. endless aisle solutions or its Azure Smart Shelf, only to name two applications. Consumer behaviour and demographic analytics represent another fast-growing pillar of its activities. Instore Solution’s geographical focus is on Europe where it serves large retail and brand customers such as Lekkerland, L’Oréal, Microsoft, o2 Telefonica, Penny, Samsung, Swisscom, Valora and Vodafone.

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Retail Technology

Nachhaltige ESL – Batterielose digitale Preisetiketten im Einsatz in den autonomen Stores bei Valora Retail (Schweiz)

with Valora Retail
Faktencheck: Bisher wurden elektronische Preisschilder aufwändig und unnachhaltig mit Batterien betrieben. Der ESL-Boom sorgte für einen enormen Nachfrageschub bei Batterien. Gleichzeitig entwickelte sich die Entsorgung einer so großen Anzahl von Batterien in den letzten Jahren zu einer großen ökologischen Herausforderung. Eine einzige AAA-Batterie kann bis ...
Retail Technology

o2 Soundcheck

with o2 Telefonica – Shops of the Future
Beim o2 Soundcheck handelt es sich um eine interaktive Kopfhörer-Präsentation, die in Zusammenarbeit mit o2 und Napster entwickelt wurde. Eines der Highlights dieses Cases ist die 3-Wege-Interaktion auf Basis von Gyrosensoren, die an den Kopfhörern angebracht sind. Diese ausgeklügelte Lösung ermöglichte es, unterschiedlichen Customer Journey Präferenzen zu e ...

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Matthias Ernst

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Adress: Seemattstr. 25, 6333 Hünenberg See, Switzerland

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