Markus Pilz

Adress: Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland
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About Us

Greenliff is a digital product design agency. At the intersection of strategy, design and technology, we develop websites, mobile apps, IoT solutions and complete ecosystems. We lead companies into their digital future and help them achieve their business goals and delight their customers.

Greenliff is a digital product design agency based in Zurich. Founded in 2004, we now employ around 30 people. We develop digital products and services with a passion for code, agile methods and modern tools.

We are convinced that innovative solutions can only be created if people are placed at the centre. With our full-service approach, we consistently focus on the needs of users – from strategic consulting to experience design to technical implementation and quality control. We develop websites, mobile apps, IoT solutions and complete ecosystems, among other things.

We support companies on the path to their digital future and ensure their business success in the long term. Our client base includes medium-sized and large companies from various industries.

The cooperation with our customers is characterised by trust and open communication. Their in-depth business knowledge coupled with our many years of experience in digital markets lays the foundation for a successful project.

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Award Feb. 2021
Retail Technology

Handel hilft Handel – Plattform für Personalverleih

with Swiss Retail Federation
Während viele Detailhandelsgeschäfte in der Schweiz schließen oder stark reduzieren mussten, waren die Lebensmittelhändler von der Nachfrage überwältigt und standen vor personellen Engpässen. Die Idee von Greenliff: Die Ressourcen zwischen Non-Food-Händlern und Food-Händlern besser allozieren. Über eine einfach zu bedienende Plattform sollten Händler Mitarbe ...

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Nicole Schlegel

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Adress: Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland

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