Content Factory 1 GmbH

Adress: Enzianstr. 2, 82319 Starnberg, Germany
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About Us

With 20 years of experience in the collection and preparation of product data, Content Factory 1 is your reliable partner when it comes to identifying, standardising and optimising product data. We are convinced that lasting success in eCommerce is based on trust, authenticity and customer satisfaction.

The combination of advanced technology and professional know-how enables us to generate high-quality content based on reliable product data. This is content that sets you apart from the competition and makes your online business even more successful. With the ImageConnector1, an innovative app for the retail trade, ContentFactory1 offers operators of online shops the opportunity to build up a clean product database in the shortest possible time and with minimal effort.

We provide access to our data system – DataConnector1, which serves as the hub for data collection. The tool uses complex AI mechanisms to analyse even large amounts of data and prepare it for further processing.

Whether you are a manufacturer and want to sell your own products via your website or operate a large online shop with numerous suppliers: We offer suitable product solutions for every need and deliver high-quality content according to your specifications – quickly, reliably and in consistently high quality.

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Award Sept. 2021
Retail E-Commerce

Produkterfassung und freier Zugang zu Produktinformationen über kostenlose App

with Diverse Händler
Die kostenfreie App ImageConnector1 hilft dabei, Produkte schnell zu erfassen und relevante Informationen beispielsweise für Onlineshops verfügbar zu machen. Sie funktioniert so einfach wie effizient: Die Produkterfassung beginnt mit dem Scannen des EAN- oder Barcodes, um das Produkt eindeutig zuzuordnen. Ist es bereits in der Datenbank hinterlegt, erfolgt a ...

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Adress: Enzianstr. 2, 82319 Starnberg, Germany

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