About Us
Scalerion integrates manufacturers and independent retailers and enables a completely new way of shopping: the online shop at your fingertips, i.e. the on-site experience combined with the broad product selection of the online world.
Manufacturers integrate the retailers into their direct-to-consumer business on a commission-driven basis, diversifying their brand presence and customer access. Retailers thus expand their business model with an innovative marketplace solution and sell products on behalf of and for the account of their partners. Scalerion thus turns every customer access into a stationary marketplace – flexibly and without risk.
Die Bar wird zum live erlebbaren Marktplatz
MBG International Premium Brands GmbH
Die MBG Group ist eines der führenden Unternehmen im Bereich Getränkeentwicklung und -vermarktung in Deutschland. MBG ist Markeninhaber zahlreicher bekannter Getränkebrands, darunter Scavi & Ray Winery, Salitos, Effect, Goldberg and Sons, 9 Mile Vodka. Im Zuge der Corona-Krise stellte sich die Frage, wie man den Partnern in der Gastronomie neue Umsatzcha ...
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