Your search results partners with Signify on Indoor Location Analytics through Lighting Technology

Posted by AndreaBRC on 20. April 2023
0, a leading provider of IoT solutions for smart buildings, has announced a new partnership with Signify, a global leader in lighting technology. The collaboration will enable smart lighting with indoor IoT and real-time location services, offering a range of benefits for businesses and consumers alike.

With the integration of’s Bluetooth-based location technology and Signify’s advanced lighting systems, businesses will be able to create more intelligent and efficient environments for their customers and employees. By using location data to trigger specific lighting configurations, companies will improve their energy efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the overall user experience.

One of the key applications of this technology is in location-based marketing, which allows businesses to send targeted messages and promotions to customers based on their physical location. For example, a retailer could send a discount code for a particular product to customers who are browsing in that section of the store in real time. This approach has proven to be highly effective, as it enables businesses to engage with customers at the point of purchase, increasing the likelihood of a sale.

The partnership between and Signify will also enable more advanced real-time location services, such as asset tracking and wayfinding. By using Bluetooth beacons to track the location of objects and people, businesses can optimize their operations, improve safety and security, and provide more personalized experiences for customers.

The potential applications for this technology are numerous, and it is already being used in a variety of settings, including hospitals, airports, and factories. For example, hospitals are using location-based services to improve patient flow, while airports are using it to manage baggage and track staff. In factories, the technology is being used to optimize production processes and ensure the safety of workers.

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the demand for IoT solutions is only going to grow. By partnering with Signify, is well-positioned to take advantage of this trend and deliver innovative solutions that help businesses thrive.

The partnership between and Signify is an exciting development for the IoT industry, offering a range of benefits for businesses and consumers. With the integration of location-based technology and advanced lighting systems, companies will be able to create more intelligent and efficient environments, while also providing more personalized experiences for customers. As this technology continues to evolve, it is sure to become an increasingly important part of the IoT landscape, and the LBMA will undoubtedly play a key role in promoting its adoption and development.

The Location Based Marketing Association (LBMA) has been a vocal advocate for the use of location-based technology in marketing and other applications. The LBMA is a global organization that supports the development and adoption of location-based services, and continues to be instrumental in promoting the benefits of this technology to businesses and consumers alike.

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