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German Consumers Show Love for Local Stores

Posted by Carsten Szameitat on 21. July 2023

Small businesses, including shops and restaurants, are highly valued in Germany, playing a vital role in creating vibrant city centers. This is the finding of a recent survey conducted by American Express in collaboration with Civey. The survey reveals that 91.6% of respondents view local stores such as kiosks and boutiques as indispensable for the quality of life in city centers. This sentiment is shared across all age groups, with 91.5% approval among the youngest consumers of Generation Z.

The willingness to support local businesses is also high. Nearly half (49.4%) of the respondents expressed their intention to contribute to the survival of small businesses through their purchases. This sentiment is driven by the desire for a lively neighborhood, shared by 41.4% of respondents. However, the level of support for smaller businesses varies from state to state. People in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg are most committed to preservation, with 51.1% and 50.8% respectively, while this motivation is less pronounced in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Saxony.

When it comes to shopping in local retail, food and luxury goods are at the top of the list, followed by flowers, plants, pet supplies, and medical products. Among the youngest age group, Generation Z, books and magazines are particularly popular. As for services, restaurants, hairdressers, and beauty salons are the most popular. In terms of payment methods, most respondents prefer flexibility. Berlin stands out in this regard: around 61% of Berliners prefer alternatives to cash, particularly credit, debit, and EC cards, as well as payment apps.

The survey results highlight the importance of local businesses in shaping the character and vitality of city centers. They also underscore the role of consumers in supporting these businesses, contributing to a vibrant and diverse local economy.

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