
Adress: 245 5th Ave, New York, NY 10016, US
Website: unacast.com
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About Us

Unacast provides the industry’s most accurate location data, with our foot traffic data showing a historical correlation of .93 with ground truth data. Hundreds of retail brands trust Unacast due to our rigorous focus on methodology and high level of transparency with our clients. Unacast helps retailers around the world with things like site selection, competitive intelligence, and making data-informed decisions.

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Retail Technology

How a Leading Retail Brand Used Unacast’s Location Data Insights to Optimize Brick and Mortar Strategy

with Benchmarking
Unacast provides the industry’s most accurate location data, with our foot traffic data showing a historical correlation of .93 with ground truth data. Hundreds of retail brands trust Unacast due to our rigorous focus on methodology and high level of transparency with our clients. Unacast helps retailers around the world with things like site selection, comp ...

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Adress: 245 5th Ave, New York, NY 10016, US

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