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Adress: Waldemarstraße 33 a, 10999 Berlin, Germany
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About Us

As a shopper marketing network, Offerista Group GmbH offers individually oriented, digital solutions for location-based offer and store marketing. With cross-channel campaigns, advertising messages are transported across various user-relevant channels with a wide reach. Brands can thus make consumers curious about products and attract them to their branches. With a team of more than 130 employees in Europe, Offerista accompanies and advises retail and manufacturer brands from all industries along their customer journey across channels.

Offerista Group was founded in 2016 by the managing directors Tobias Bräuer and Benjamin Thym. Since then, the company has established itself as the largest European shopper marketing network and innovative solution seller.

The strong team with more than 130 employees includes experts from the areas of IT, Product, Marketing, Communications, Sales, HR & Finance/Administration. With our own locations in Berlin, Dresden, Essen, Vienna, Sofia, Warsaw, Budapest and Bucharest, we are present throughout Europe and pursue a common goal: we help retail and manufacturer brands achieve measurably higher visitor frequency at the POS through cross-channel digital marketing solutions.

360 degree approach of Offerista Group: With digital cross-channel concepts in the Shopper Marketing Network, we advise and accompany our customers to reach every consumer along the customer journey.

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Adress: Waldemarstraße 33 a, 10999 Berlin, Germany

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