Bizerba SE & Co.KG

Adress: Wilhelm-Kraut-Straße 65, 72336 Balingen, Germany
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About Us

Bizerba offers its customers in industry, trade, and logistics a globally unique solutions portfolio of hardware and software around the central value “weight”. This portfolio includes products and solutions related to slicing, processing, weighing, cashing, checking, commissioning and labeling. A wide range of services from consulting and service, labels and consumables to leasing complete the portfolio.

Since 1866 Bizerba has made a significant contribution to the developments in the area of weighing technology and today is represented in 120 countries. The customer base includes globally operating companies in trade and industry as well as retailers, bakeries and butcheries. With 4,500 employees worldwide and with its headquarters in Balingen, Germany, Bizerba has been in the same family for five generations. Additional production facilities are located in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain, China, Canada and USA. Bizerba also has a global network of sales and service locations.

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Adress: Wilhelm-Kraut-Straße 65, 72336 Balingen, Germany

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