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Best Retail Cases
Show Week 2022

November 24 – 26, 2022 Online


Newsletter Show-Week







The Best Retail Cases Show Week will feature solutions for online and brick-and-mortar retail. Their suppliers as well as the trade & manufacturers themselves present their installations or give insights behind the scenes.

Discover established and innovative solutions in …

stationary – online
Retail Marketing & Service
Retail Technology
Retail Omnichannel
Retail E-Commerce
  • Our speakers

Be there November 24 – 26, 2022 Online

Learn more about marketing in and around the store. What technology will take you further. And what innovative things have the other companies implemented with it?

These cases won at the award and are part of the show week.

Award Sept. 2021
Retail E-Commerce

Steigerung der Conversion-Rate um 40%

with Jumbo-Markt AG
umbo steht für „groß“ – und mit schweizweit 40 Filialen, 65.000 verschiedenen Produkten und einem Jahresumsatz von mehr als 500 Mio. Franken wird die Baumarktkette diesem Attribut mehr als gerecht. Gestartet ist das Unternehmen 1982 als Vollsortimenter und hat sich seitdem immer stärker auf den DIY-Bedarf spezialisiert. Heute ist Jumbo der einzige reine Baum ...

These topics await you:

Better customer service with live video shopping

Higher conversion rate thanks to Google Shopping entries

The success through local online marketplaces

The SaaS platform for enterprise marketplaces

Design of a flagship store for brand building

Consulting through combination of software and store

Customer service with the help of digital touchpoints

The concept of the "Walk-In Store" with self-checkout

Innovative Online Shoppable Media Solutions

Improved shopping experience through digital signage

Interactive shopping using NFC tags & software

Increased click-through rate through drive-to-store technology

Day 1: Retail E-Commerce

Better customer service with live video shopping

Higher conversion rate thanks to Google Shopping entries

The success through local online marketplaces

The SaaS platform for enterprise marketplaces

Day 2: Retail Store Design

Design of a flagship store for brand building

Consulting through combination of software and store

Customer service with the help of digital touchpoints

The concept of the "Walk-In Store" with self-checkout

Day 3: Technology & Marketing

Innovative Online Shoppable Media Solutions

Improved shopping experience through digital signage

Interactive shopping using NFC tags & software

Increased click-through rate through drive-to-store technology

This program was available last time

… Topics at a glance

Stationary solutions: POS Analytics & Tracking, POS Automation, POS Digital Signage, Local Online Marketing, Digital Stores
Online Solutions: Online Store Customer Experience, Amazon Sales and Marketing, Marketplace Strategies, Connectivity Tools, Platforms, Advertising Strategies
Case ideas of companies, retailers, manufacturers from the areas of software and hardware installation stationary and / or advertising, sales, social media, SEO or SEA strategies.
Masterclasses I Workshops: Marketplace, Shop Strategies, Marketing Customer Engagement, CRM or Cloud Solutions.
UserTips: Social Media, Social Commerce - Marketing and Selling Today

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Do you have any questions?

Office Best Retail Cases

Jacqueline Gebhard | Mehmet Dede
Project Management

Mail: submit@bestretailcases.com | mehmet@bestretailcases.com
Tel.: +49 (8122) 5536-440

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